

Clarity has been absent for the passed few months, but I am glad that things are starting to finally clear up. No more confusion, things are now out in the open.

B&W 35mm Film. 


Interesting Faces: Lindsey Wixson

As a photographer I am very attracted to different types of beauty. I was never drawn to the typical cookie  cutter type of models because there are so many other looks out there. I really do appreciate that the fashion industry is slowly starting to open up to different types of beauty. 



Beyond the Shadows

 Black and White 35mm Film.
Photos of my friend Aya taken at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

Sometimes we can't hide it, the mask is removed and our emotions are revealed.
It's times like this when we fear the light, but why?
What is wrong with showing how we feel.
There is no need to hide in the shadows.


Mona Kuhn

Photographed by Mona Kuhn.
My professor showed us some of her work in class and I absolutely loved it. 


Happy Thursday

I came home from work to find my magazines in the mail, I am now happy. 
It's gloomy outside and the perfect day to lay back in bed and enjoy these magazines. 


Welcome to the 90's

I was screening a commercial at work this morning and Another Night by Real McCoy was playing in the background and it took me right back to the 90's, it triggered me to go on youtube and listen to the whole song. 

Filippo Minelli

Photographer Filippo Minelli uses handmade smoke bombs to capture these photographs. 

New York Fashion Week: Rag & Bone F/W 2012

I have always enjoyed the clothing of David Neville and Marcus Wainwright. Do I think it's anything groundbreaking or different? No, not so much but I would have a few pieces in my closet. 
